Get Started with Skulpt

Getting Started with Skulpt is easy!

Need some inspiration for a project? Just want to learn or teach Python? Head over to the Gallery to see how great educational projects are using Skulpt

Embed Skulpt

If you want to embed a nice looking bit of code that your users can edit, can help you with that! You can put together the example on their site, and then generate the code for an iframe that you can embed in your page.

Users can Remix your example and save their work to a free Trinket account.

Use the Share button in the trinket above to get embed code. More information on embeeding trinkets here.

Using Skulpt with HTML

Want the compiled js to include in your site? Everything you need is in this zip: skulpt-dist. After adding skulpt.js or skulpt-min.js and skulpt-stdlib.js to your project, load the Javascript just before the </body> closing tag.

<script src="js/skulpt.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/skulpt-stdlib.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
view raw gistfile1.html hosted with ❤ by GitHub

We’re working on getting skulpt onto popular CDNs so you can load them straight from there.

Once your HTML is loading Skulpt, here's a really simple example to get you going. You can copy and paste or grab the code from this gist.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// output functions are configurable. This one just appends some text
// to a pre element.
function outf(text) {
var mypre = document.getElementById("output");
mypre.innerHTML = mypre.innerHTML + text;
function builtinRead(x) {
if (Sk.builtinFiles === undefined || Sk.builtinFiles["files"][x] === undefined)
throw "File not found: '" + x + "'";
return Sk.builtinFiles["files"][x];
// Here's everything you need to run a python program in skulpt
// grab the code from your textarea
// get a reference to your pre element for output
// configure the output function
// call Sk.importMainWithBody()
function runit() {
var prog = document.getElementById("yourcode").value;
var mypre = document.getElementById("output");
mypre.innerHTML = '';
Sk.pre = "output";
Sk.configure({output:outf, read:builtinRead});
(Sk.TurtleGraphics || (Sk.TurtleGraphics = {})).target = 'mycanvas';
var myPromise = Sk.misceval.asyncToPromise(function() {
return Sk.importMainWithBody("<stdin>", false, prog, true);
myPromise.then(function(mod) {
function(err) {
<h3>Try This</h3>
<textarea id="yourcode" cols="40" rows="10">import turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()
print "Hello World"
</textarea><br />
<button type="button" onclick="runit()">Run</button>
<pre id="output" ></pre>
<!-- If you want turtle graphics include a canvas -->
<div id="mycanvas"></div>

Using Custom Modules

This new feature lets you create and host your own modules for use in Skulpt. The following gist shows how to include one of them in a page.

// This snippet shows the cool new functionality added by @bzwheeler and the team at
// You can now develop and host your own modules for skulpt, and set up a page to make those
// modules available as in the following.
Sk.externalLibraries = {
numpy : {
path: '',
dependencies: ['/static/primeronoo/skulpt/external/deps/math.js'],
matplotlib : {
path: '/static/primeronoo/skulpt/external/matplotlib/__init__.js'
"matplotlib.pyplot" : {
path: '/static/primeronoo/skulpt/external/matplotlib/pyplot/__init__.js',
dependencies: ['/static/primeronoo/skulpt/external/deps/d3.min.js'],
"arduino": {
path: '/static/primeronoo/skulpt/external/arduino/__init__.js'
view raw third-party.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Customizing modules after import

If you want to customize how a module behaves you can use the onAfterImport hook. Here is a gist of how the trinket guys do it.

Sk.onAfterImport = function(library) {
switch(library) {
case 'pygal':
// make charts render instantly
plotOptions: {
series: {
animation: false
case 'turtle':
// make turtle draw instantly = false; = function() {} = function() {}
view raw gistfile1.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub



This is a list of changes implemented with this version. Some are internal and others are part of the skulpt API (if we had one 🙂 ).

python 2 incorrectness: (for those still using python 2 in production)

  • long
    • when adding two long objects the result is likely to be an int
  • method
    • unbound methods are no longer supported
  • The base class for all type objects will be object even if the base class is not specified

skulpt api

  • Sk.builtin.object.prototype.genericGetAttr -> Sk.generic.getAttr
  • Sk.builtin.object.prototype.genericSetAttr -> Sk.generic.setAttr
  • Sk.builtin.type.typeLookup removed and replaced by Sk.abstr.typeLookup
  • biginter.js replaced by the jsbi library
  • Sk.abstr.inherits removed - inheritance exclusively dealt with by Sk.abstr.setUpInheritance
  • Sk.misceval.objectRepr returns a js string (previously Sk.builtin.str)
  • Sk.__future__.python3 becomes the default. Those wishing to use python2 must define this in the Sk.configure object.
  • Sk.abstr.binary_op_, Sk.abstr.binary_iop_, Sk.abstr.unary_op_ removed - use Sk.abstr.numberBinOp, Sk.abstr.numberInplaceBinOp, Sk.abstr.numberUnaryOp instead.

call signatures of builtins

  • new is required for (almost) all builtin types
    • 3 exceptions - Sk.builtin.bool, Sk.builtin.none, Sk.builtin.NotImplemented
    • These 3 will always return their respective constant(s) and are thus not required to be used as constructors.
  • Restricted parameters for directly accessing a constructor of an Sk.builtin type
  • assertion failures raised in dev mode if new is not used - if using in production these error will not be raised. This may be a gotcha for anyone using this version.
type params notes
Sk.builtin.int_ number, JSBI (bigint), string, undefined} can also be called with a python object that has nb$int defined
Sk.builtin.float_ number, undefined can also be called with a python object that has nb$float defined
Sk.builtin.complex number, number  
Sk.builtin.list {Array=} Array of py objects or can be called with a python iterable
Sk.builtin.tuple {Array=} Array of py objects can be called with a python iterable
Sk.builtin.set {Array=} Array of py objects or can be called with a python iterable
Sk.builtin.dict {Array=} key/value pairs - only python objects
Sk.builtin.str {*}  
Sk.builtin.bool {*}  

Note that you should only pass a number to the int javascript constructor if it’s absolute value is less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Similarly you should only pass a JSBI (bigint) to the int constructor if it’s absolute value is larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.

Major changes

  • All type objects are now callable using their respective tp$call methods inherited from Sk.builtin.type
  • All native type objects will require a tp$new and tp$init method (maybe inherited by Sk.builtin.object)
  • All type objects are javascript instances of Sk.builtin.type
  • All single inherited objects follow javascript inheritance
  • All native type objects now have the following and replaces the use of Sk.builtin.func for all dunder function/methods.
    • wrapper_descriptors aka slot_wrappers
    • method_descriptors
    • classmethod_descriptors
    • getset_descriptors aka attributes/member_descriptors
  • Sk.builtin.sk_method is an alternative to Sk.builtin.func and is used by the above descriptor types
  • mangled names are never passed to the user but instead are an attribute on Sk.builtin.str instances as $mangled
  • mappingproxy added
  • $d removed on all type objects.
  • attributes of a type object now only appear on the prototype. Previously these appeared on both the type object and the prototype


  • dict, set, tuple are suspendible
  • map, filter, zip, reversed, enumerate are suspendible
  • classmethod, property, staticmethod have native skulpt implementations
  • super can now be unbound see this explanation
  • Sk.builtin.func objects gain a qualname in compile code
  • API for building native types
    • Sk.abstr.buildNativeClass
  • range_iterator class added
  • reverse iterators added for list, dict_views, range
  • | operator valid for dict, dict_keys, dict_items
  • Counter has number slots added
  • python docstrings now work


  • objectHash
  • buildNativeClass
  • buildIteratorClass
  • setUpBuiltinMro
  • setUpMethods
  • setUpGetSets
  • setUpSlots
  • setUpClassMethod
  • setUpBaseInheritance
  • setUpModuleMethod
  • checkNoKwargs
  • checkNoArgs
  • checkOneArg
  • checkArgsLen
  • copyKeywordsToNamedArgs


  • getAttr
  • setAttr
  • new
  • newMethodDef
  • iterNextWithArray
  • iterNextWithArrayCheckSize
  • iterLengthHintWithArrayMethodDef
  • iterReverseLengthHintMethodDef
  • getSetDict


  • asIndex - will return the internal representation of the integer - or undefined if not indexable - could be a number or a bigint (JSBI)
  • asIndexOrThrow - does asIndex but throws an error if the number is not indexable - with an optional message parameter.
  • asIndexSized - throws an error if the object is not indexable, returns a Number always, Option to throw an error if the index is larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. This is the goto method for most builtins now.
  • Iterator - a python class that easily wraps an iterator
  • arrayFromIterable - optional canSuspend implementation that returns an array from a python iterator
  • iterArray - like iterFor but with an array rather than a python iterator


  • contains all the information about mapping slots to dunders and vice versa.

slot changes only relevant for those developers and those writing slot functions directly - hopefully very few users

  • mp$length replaced by sq$length in the codebase
  • sq$ass_item/sq$ass_slice replaced with mp$ass_subscript
  • nb$nonzero replaced with nb$bool and switch version to py2/py3 takes care of mapping the appropriate dunder method.
  • mp$del_subscript replaced by mp$ass_subscript (as per Cpython)
    • deleting vs setting an item is based on the call signature
    • mp$ass_subscript(key, value) -> set item
    • mp$ass_subscript(key) -> delete item
  • If a dunder func is defined on a user defined class then the slot function is guaranteed.
    • e.g. __len__ defined guarantees sq$length.
    • A slot function defined by skulpt in this way throws the appropriate errors and converts the return value to the appropriate internal object.
    • sq$length called internally: __len__ is called using Sk.misceval.callsim(OrSuspend)Array.
    • The result is checked to be an int and then converted to number since sq$length expects a number.
  • tp$str removed from some builtins as per Python 3.8 changes
  • If tp$richcompare is defined - wrapper functions ob$eq etc are created - this way Sk.misceval.richCompareBool need only check for the existence of an ob$* slot.
    • in fact - the existence of these slots is guaranteed since they are inherited from Sk.builtin.object
  • tp$mro/tp$bases are Js Arrays rather than Sk.builtin.tuple
  • tp$str and $r for errors were changed as per Cpython.
  • nb$int_ -> nb$int
  • nb$lng -> nb$long
  • nb$float_ -> nb$float
  • return values for certain slot functions have changed
    • tp$hash - should return a javascript number less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER can be postive or negative
    • nb$index - should return a javascript number or BigInt (older browsers should be a JSBI BigInt)
  • tp$name was removed from instances of Sk.builtin.func and Sk.buitin.method in favour of $name since it’s tp$name should be the type name

flags - only relevant internally

  • sk$acceptable_as_base_class used for some type objects
  • sk$object every skulpt object will have this flag. An easy way to determine if you have a skulpt object or a javascript object
  • hp$type all instance of sk$klass types
  • sk$prototypical do we need to walk up the MRO or can we just check the prototype
  • sk$builtinBase the most derived base which is a native skulpt class
  • sk$baseClass builtin classes that are direct children of object

other internal changes

  • the use of numPromoteFunc was removed for performance improvements in the implementation of Sk.asbtr.numberBinOp
    • It was performance beneficial to leave the promoting to the respective nb$ slots
    • int binop slots only deal with instance of int
    • float binop slots deal with instances of float and int
    • complex binop slots deal with instances of complex, float and int
  • since long was effectively removed when a number is larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER it’s .v value is a BigInt. if BigInt is not available in the browser then the JSBI library is used to replicate BigInt functionality.
  • set and frozenset now share much of their implementation
  • collections module rewritten using new api
  • itertools module rewritten using new api - these are now type objects rather than instances of generator
  • operator module rewritten using new api
  • math module adapted to the new api
  • dict and set throw errors if the objects change size during iteration as per Cpython.
    • fully tested
  • Sk.builtin.check* moved to src/check.js
  • number.js removed
  • numtype.js removed
  • seqtype.js removed
  • mp$subscript should not be called by a js object (see changes in random.js)
  • quick$lookup added to dict.prototype which is a fast way to lookup up str keys
  • dict.prototype.entries rather than has values that are arrays of key value pairs
  •$hash will no longer add $savedHash_ to the object - instead it uses a javascript map and assigns objects to a random number less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER rather than incrementing the hash value each time.
  •$hash for integers this will be the same value as$hash for non integers this will be a random number less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Previously this was the number rounded down - but this creates a lot of collisions.


This latest release contains a lot of goodness.

  • You can now inherit from builtin types including Exceptions!
  • Major cleanup of numeric types
  • Bug fixes for iteration when using subclasses with our without __getitem__
  • Bug fixes and more completeness to lookups of dunder methods
  • complex type is added
  • brun command added to skulpt for easy access to in-browser debug
  • Many Many minor bug fixes.